SourcePoint Therapy®

Basic training – 2025 – Zürich, CH

Mod 01 – 2025 June 20/21/22
Mod 02 – 2025 Nov 7/8/9
Mod 03 – 2026 – TBA

SourcePoint Therapy® is a non-invasive modality of energy work. It is based on the premise that there is an energetic Blueprint or information field that gives rise to, maintains and repairs the human body.

The Blueprint of Health is the basic matrix of life energy that contains the essential information of Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow for optimal structural and functional health, as well as emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

In SourcePoint Therapy® we address the blockages that obstruct the flow of information from the Blueprint of Health. SourcePoint Therapy® can be integrated and will enhance any form of manual or movement therapy and self-inquiry practices.

In a complex world, simplicity has a great power.

SourcePoint Therapy is a simple approach to healing for the 21st century.

Bob Schrei

“HEALTH is that perfect matrix, present within us from the
moment of conception, which precedes the emergence of form. Health is
more inherent in the geometry than in the genetics.
” Mark E. Rosen, DO

SourcePoint Therapy®
Instructor – Marisol Aimée Valente

Certified Advanced Rolfer and Mentor,
Pilates Instructor, Craniosacral and SourcePoint® Practitioner.
Her work has been strongly influenced by Dr. James Jealous (BiodynamicOsteopathy), BodyMind Centering®, Continuum
Movement®, and her meditation practice.

MOD 01 – 2025 June 20/21/22

Fundamental Principles and Practices of SourcePoint Therapy®

• introduce the principle of the Blueprint of Health and Original Health;
• give participants a grounding in the theoretical foundation of this approach, exploring the concept of the Blueprint from the perspective of different healing, philosophical and spiritual traditions;
• teach energy scanning techniques for locating blockages in the physical body that are obstructing the flow of information from the Blueprint;
• teach energy scanning techniques for locating the most appropriate entry point for each specific session;
• instruct the students in the principles and use of the fundamental Source Points in the human energy field that connect the physical body directly to the Blueprint of Health: Diamond, Golden Rectangle, Navel and Sacral points.

MOD 02 – 2025 November 7/8/9

Sacrum, Guardians of the Body and Energetic Structures

• deepen the connection to the Blueprint of Health;
• work with the Triad and the principle of ”Getting out of the way”;;
• learn to work with sacral points and sacral holds that open, relax and support the sacrum;
• learn to work with the Guardian Points that activate the naturalguardian energies of the body;
• learn to work with energetic structures in the body’s energy field, our inner temple– midline, stick figure, crescent moon, gold point, chackra points – to bring balance and order to the flow of energy in the body.

MOD 03 – 2026 –

Getting out of the way, Drawing out, SourcePoint Distance work, Working with the pattern of disorder

• deepen the principle of ”Getting out of the way”;
• Drawing out of External Invasive Energies;
• SourcePoint Therapy Distance Work;
• Working with the Presenting Pattern of Disorder (a supplemental approach to working with scanning and blockages);
• Continuing emphasis on methods of Getting Out of the Way and deepening the relationship to the Blueprint. At the end of the training people receive their certificate for having completed SourcePoint Therapy basic training.


3 Modules:3 days each module
Time:Friday to Sunday – 9:30am to 6pm
Address: Idaplatz 2a, 8003 Zürich
Participants: Maximum 12
Credits:2 Elective (for Rolfers)
Class Fee: CHF 600,– each module
Pragita C.Bauer 076 455 97 87

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